
"Tay Reem's suspense poetry book, a unique twist to the typical poetry book, gains popularity in 2021"

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Tay Reem: “Writing is rewriting”

"Writing is rewriting. The first draft is just a start. Rewriting isn’t really starting over, it’s building a better story out of the terrible one. If it’s not perfect the first time, don’t take it to heart. Write it again and again."
--Tay Reem on 5 Things You Need to Know to Become a Great Author
"Do not make the mistake of believing marriage will complete you...Women are not automobiles, we do not depreciate over time...It is okay to wait until you find the right one." --Tay Reem on Tales of Woe
--Author Tay Reem On The Main Empowering Messages She Wants Readers To Take From Her Writing
Spotlight on TALES OF WOE by Tay Reem
Click to read why Tay Reem believes being a survivor is a bad thing
Love it or Leave it - exclusive interview with Tay Reem
Click to learn about Tay Reem's favorite things, and find out what she can definitely live without.

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